- Stock: 19
- Weight: 1.75kg
- Location: UK
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One Random Menu French Army Ration RCIR 24 Hours combat ration pack MRE
Inspection date of 24 HR mre - middle 2024 or 2025 some 2026.
Oldest ones are beginning of 2024 (JUNE) . Newest ones are mid of 2026.
Date on the box may be different than on photos. ( it depends on which box i opened to top up quantity)
Content may be slightly different- French manufacturer sometimes do make small change in components (not main meal). Main meal always will be as you purchased. Small components rarely may differ from what you see written on the box.
Mre weight approx 1.8kg. Contains 3.600 calories.
French RCIR MRE have nutrition for One day (24 hours)- with 3 main meals.
Check my other listings- for Different countires MRE i sell, like USA, Canadian, Spanish, Polish, Italian and more.
FRENCH RCIR's are completely precooked, self-contained foods, that require NO REFRIGERATION and can be heated INSTANTLY!
EASY TO CARRY and use (Weight: ~4lbs/ 1.8kg)
Long-term supplies (Every package has it's printed INSPECTION Date ~ 2023 / 2024 /2025 or later, but this is NOT an expiration date, RCIRs are good for years as long as they are stored in cool dry place)
Every MENU has HIGH CALORIFIC VALUE of approx 3200 - 3400 kcal and is intended to provide all the nutritional needs for one French Army soldier for the whole day (24H pack - 3meals+many additional components)
24 hours mre are designed for whole day- and include 3 main meals.
Possible menus (Pack will be randomly selected) :
Menu-1 - Beef, Macaroni and Pasta, Tuna fish salad, Chicken pate
Menu-1 - Kebab meatbells, Beef, macaroni and pasta
Menu-2 - Chicken couscous, Salmon, Rice and vegetables
Menu-3 - Tuna in coconut milk, Poultry Tabbouleh
Menu-4 - Tuna salad, Beef lasagna
Menu 4 - Piperade tuna, Beef lasagna
Menu-5 - Beef tortellini, Oriental salad
Menu-6 - Chili con carne, Tuna and ginger salad
Menu-7 - Asian Chicken and Shrimp Pasta And Salmon salad
Menu-8 - Salt Pork and lentils, Sausages in spicy sauce with rice
Menu-9 - Pork, Rice and pineaple, Cassoulet (sausages, duck and beans)
Menu-10 - Duck and mashed potatoes, Italian salad
Menu-11 - Pistachio stuffed sausage, Pork risotto with mushrooms
Menu-12 - Strasbourg Sausages, Pasta Paella, Boar pate
Menu-13 - Farmer hotpot, Carbonara pasta
Menu-14 - Pork cheeks with ravioles, Gizzards and quinola salad
Each 24 hours MENU has lots of additional components:
• 2 ready-cooked entrees
• 1 appetizer
• 1 package of instant soup
• Cheese spread/dessert
• Dessert - cookies or pound cakes
• Salted and sweet crackers
• Coffee/tea/chocolate
• Nougat/fruit jelly/energy bar
• Muesli
• Isotonic powder drink
• Chocolate bar
• Jam
• Tissues
• Water purifying tablets
• Solid fuel heating kit