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Denmark 24H MRE 16 Menu


 Inspection date 28.02.2024. Packed- 06.09.2022.

Menu- 22 (main meal- Pasta in tomato sauce).

Full content of 24 HR MRE box is written on the box.

Condition- unopened box.

There  are two types of danish MRE- cold and hot weather. if box has WET written on it- it is hot  weather 24 HR mre pack. If FRYS written on it- it is cold weather 24 HR mre pack.

This is a fresh and sealed 24 hour ration with breakfast, lunch and dinner, as issued to Denmark Armed Forces. Rare and limited. 

Approx Full content of 24 HR MRE box is written below :

1 x Freezedried breakfast (Oatmeal with berries etc)

1 x Freezedried dinner (all sorts of stuff. Chili Con Carne, Pasta In Spicy Sauce etc. There is a lot of different meals)

4 x ryebread

1 x Cocoa

2 x lemonade (lemon, raspberry etc)

1 x tuna

1 x liverpate

2 x ketchup

3 x alcohol swabs

3 x sugar

1 x porridge (Apple, Strawberry etc)

1 x cheesespread

2 x jam

1 x crackers

2 x nutmix

3 x chewinggum (2 per pack)

3 x tea

3 x coffee

3 x salt

3 x pepper

2 x nutbars

2 x toothpick

1 x spoon

1 x toothbrush

Main meals should be prepared- pouring boiling water inside freeze-dried sachets. 


On the last picture you can see approx. content from Danish 24 HR (not exact menu you receive).

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Tags: Mre , Danish , Denmark , 24hr , pack